Monday, February 5, 2007

taking over

Another world is possible, is the theme that run through the world social forum in Kenya last week..And behold the numer of people who joined in the forum.

It was so beautiful to see all those good meaning and committed people walking in Nairobi, taking matatus, buying and having conversations with participants and Kenyans.

Kenyans are known for their generosity and as such the occassion served to deepen that bond, for us who chose to stay in Koch the expereince was quite remarkable as choruses of "How are You" followed us from street to street, the children seemed to sum the happiness of the people for seeing two brave mzungu staying in Koch.

Koch as a community has grown over the past years from being one of the most insecure to a point where now its increasingly safere than other parts of Nairobi, and these is due to the combined efforts of the residents who have formed communiyt watch gruops that patrol the area. And so for the two weeks we stayed in Koch we had the greatest sense of security and community.

We were so amazed at the progress that KochFM has made interms of visibility and also creativity, the finishing of the sound studio is the most innovative with the use of egg trys to offer accustic balance, so cheap yet so effective. Again it points us to the reality that communities already have solutions to problems and all we can do as participants from other places it to listen observe and learn, and then share our experiences with them.

So thanks again to KochFM guys for leading the way in innovation am sure other studios will follow the lead.

Its also good to report that we are getting the transmitter from Indipendent media who were present during the WSF and have agreed to install the new transmitter..

Hope we shall be on air soon..



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